Thursday, 20 December 2012

Bah, Humblog!

Wivenhoe Photography Group paid a visit to Colchester's Christmas Fayre, which by some stroke of genius, has been located in the thriving commercial and cultural hub that is the old bus station. A location more redolent with festive cheer I cannot imagine - and what with the guaranteed footfall of lost shoppers trying to find the number 65... well, you can just imagine how we were all overcome by the spirit of Weihnachtsmarkt.

Thursday, 22 November 2012


A few more oil and water fantasias to enjoy, with the occasional splash of food dye for good measure.

Friday, 26 October 2012


The title says it all really; just a few pieces of whimsy.

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Knocking on Heaven's Door

The title has nothing to do with the images in this post - just happens to be the song I'm listening to whilst posting (SoM version). Some more oil, water and dye.

Sunday, 21 October 2012

shroom With a View

Some images shot in ambient light whilst rambling around Wivenhoe Woods on a magical mushroom hunt with the Wivenhoe Watching Wildlife team. Who would have guessed that the image of Santa Claus riding the skies on his sleigh derives from psychotropic reindeer urine (those deer love their 'shrooms). Must be why Santa is such a fun guy. Groan. (And yes, shots 1 and 5 are not fungi, but were shot at the same time as the rest).

Friday, 19 October 2012

Eye Candy

Another update from the studio experiments with oil and food dye in water. This time, just dyes (red and pink) and water for the most part, the oil only making an appearance in one image.