Monday, 21 November 2011

Not Only But Also

This small selection was shot whilst out on location with someone who is keen to expand their photographic horizons. I like to give people time and space to relax and shoot when tutoring on location, and shooting some of my own images at the same time gives us comparison points to discuss when we are both exploring the same scene.

On this occasion we visited two spots in my home town of Wivenhoe. First a brief stop on some farmland to look at leading lines and horizons.

Then we spent much longer exploring the recently re-opened jetty.
As well as technique, we looked at how to get the most from a single location, by working the angles and searching for interesting details after shooting the more obvious views.

The time of year also allowed us to work with the midday sun behind, to the side, and in front, looking at the opportunities and challenges presented by each.

This set also included some reflections we spotted in a large window on a commercial property, that looked like a big dark mirror.