Monday, 21 November 2011

Not Only But Also

This small selection was shot whilst out on location with someone who is keen to expand their photographic horizons. I like to give people time and space to relax and shoot when tutoring on location, and shooting some of my own images at the same time gives us comparison points to discuss when we are both exploring the same scene.

On this occasion we visited two spots in my home town of Wivenhoe. First a brief stop on some farmland to look at leading lines and horizons.

Then we spent much longer exploring the recently re-opened jetty.
As well as technique, we looked at how to get the most from a single location, by working the angles and searching for interesting details after shooting the more obvious views.

The time of year also allowed us to work with the midday sun behind, to the side, and in front, looking at the opportunities and challenges presented by each.

This set also included some reflections we spotted in a large window on a commercial property, that looked like a big dark mirror.

Monday, 17 October 2011

Flowers For Algernon

These images are from one of the most enjoyable and creatively rewarding commissions I have undertaken to date.Two talented florists, Amy Curtis and Amy Ford, took part in the Fusion Flowers Designer of the Year Competition, and asked me to photograph their work. We did 8 seperate shoots over 3 hectic days, converting lounges into studios, tresspassing on fields, wading in deep estuary mud and generally doing whatever it took to get the required shots. Between them the 2 Amys scooped 5 awards, so well done to them, and here is some of their work for you to enjoy:

Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Reflections On Ivor Crewe

A Wivenhoe Photography Group trip up the road to the University of Essex where the strict lines and repeating patterns of the 60's architecture would make an ideal subject for the theme of the shoot - black and white.
So, what did I do? A load of soft-focus hi-sat neo-fantasy acid-trip landscapes as seen in the gleaming 'dustbin' walls of the Ivor Crewe Lecture Hall.
'Show and tell' should be fun at our next meeting!

Thursday, 7 April 2011

The Church

This post is made up of holiday snaps.
A painting of the magnificent Ely Cathedral was given to me many years ago, and I have long intended a visit. I finally got round to it, and was rewarded by some awe inspiring Norman architecture.
Like many places of historical interest, tripods are not allowed unless you pay a fee (they'd rather you bought a postcard than took some great pics yourself) but I did the best I could in the low light handheld.
I could tell you some history, but I suggest you go and find out for yourselves - the affable fellow who conducts the guided tour up the towers may even tell you where angels really have their second set of wings...

Friday, 4 March 2011

Water Wrackets

A trip to Nayland to shoot long exposures of water over rocks didn't come off quite as planned as recent rain meant the river level was too high, and the rocks were completely obscured. Still, we made lemonade...